CleanTech OC Daily - 1/17/13

Thursday, January 17, 2013

5 things the Reuters story on cleantech, Kleiner, and Doerr missed
It’s no secret that VCs have lost money on cleantech startups. The notion is pointed out in an article published in Reuters this week. However, according to GigaOM, the article dodges the big picture global trends of the sector and calls out five major things the article misses entirely:

  1. The long-term larger risk, but bigger payoff
  2. The bigger trend of population growth and resource management
  3. Beyond venture
  4. Kleiner’s portfolio is more nuanced
  5. Cleanweb
Despite a slow-growth economy, 2012 was a great year commercial energy efficiency. To gauge what 2013 holds, Michael Murray, CEO of Lucid, a cleantech software company with an intuitive Building Dashboard, sat down with four industry leaders: Val Jensen (ComEd), Cameron Brooks (Tendril), Cliff Majersik (Institute for Market Transformation), and Sam Brooks (Washington, D.C.). The topics at hand: energy policy and disclosure, utilities and the Green Button initiative, and civic government.

While many have put renewable energy investing on the back burner, Goldman Sachs, the top arranger for renewable-energy stock offerings last year, is accelerating its funding efforts as it anticipates an industry turnaround. Goldman has been investing in renewable energy since at least 2005, and plans to stay engaged in the sector for the long term.

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