CleanTech OC Daily - 1/3/13

Thursday, January 3, 2013

13 energy data startups to watch in 2013
Energy data startups were very popular in 2012 and the trend doesn’t appear to be fading as we move in to 2013. Many of the startups that emerged last grew their businesses thanks to the development of big data technologies and the shift to digital power grids. Below is a list of 13 startups GigaOm covered in 2012 and believes we should keep an eye on in 2013.

1). Stem

2). Opower

3). AutoGrid

4). Nest

5). Viridity Energy

6). EcoFactor

7). Bidgely

8). Space-Time Insight

9). PlotWat

10). WegoWise

11). Retroficiency

12). GridNavigator

13). Honest Buildings

10 predictions for North American utilities in 2013
Big changes are on the horizon for utilities in 2013. While investments have been made in infrastructure and smart grid technology, customer satisfaction is down. GigaOm uses the current business and regulatory environment as a basis for their 2013 predictions and IDC Energy Insights made the following predictions at a recent webcast:

1.      Utilities Will Make Outage Prevention, Readiness, and Response Top Priorities for 2013

2.      Smart Electric Meter Shipments Will Fall Below 9 Million Units in 2013

3.      In the Next Five Years, Consumer Spending Will Transform Home Energy Management

4.      By 2017, 70% of AMI Systems Will Integrate to a Distribution Control System

5.      In 2013, Utility Incentives Will Drive $160 Million in Smart Building Technologies, Ensuring Energy Efficiency Is Here to Stay

6.      Utilities Will Have Breathing Room to Plan as PEV Penetration Is Lower than Expected

7.      Utility CIOs’ Security Practices in 2013 and Beyond Will Center on Risk Management

8.      CIOs’ Agenda for 2013 Will Focus on Bringing Business Efficiencies Through IT Initiatives

9.      In 2013, Marketing and Customer Ops Will Increase Efforts in the Social Business Space

10.   North American IT Spending Will Grow at a Combined Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.92% Over the Five Years from 2010 to 2015

Solar stocks went up today after a move by MidAmerican Energy Holdings to purchase a SunPower solar power development in California’s Antelope Valley. MidAmerican will pay between $2 and $2.5 billion for the projects which have 579 megawatts of generating capacity. Construction is set to begin this year and the plants will be completed by 2016.

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