CleanTech OC Daily - 1/14/13

Monday, January 14, 2013

LA’s Solar Feed-In Tariff Making A Big Leap
Los Angeles, given its size and sunshine, has been known to lag behind in solar installations. In order to address this, the city has taken a stab at revamping their rebate program and dabbled in a feed-in tariff with a new 10 MW solar pilot program. Not only a job-creator for the area, the 100-megawatt program will be the largest urban rooftop solar program in the nation.

Scientists at the Brookhaven National Laboratory have developed a low cost superconducting wire based on iron that may prove important to the offshore wind industry. The new superconductor is more durable and less costly to manufacture others based on ceramic materials. Offshore wind power installations would be particular beneficiaries of the new technology, given the massive turbines and long transmission distances involved.

13 battery startups to watch in 2013
Battery innovation is an expensive and long process from development to commercialization. GigaOM highlights some next-generation battery startups that are using nanotechnology, new printing technologies, high-powered computing, and other innovations to produce the future’s batteries. Check out the full story for a blurb on each company.

1). Ambri

2). Imprint Energy

3). Alveo Energy

4). Pellion

5). QuantumScape

6). Envia

7). GELI

8). Sila Nanotechnologies

9). Boulder Ionics

10). Prieto Battery

11). Sakti3

12). Xilectric

13). Amprius

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