CleanTech OC Weekly

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

We Have Extended the Early Bird for our Fourth Annual CTOC Conference!
Sign up NOW! Early Bird has been extended through September 6! Click the link above to sign up NOW!

Natural Gas "BOOM" May Help Power the Economy
Natural Gas consumption has increased dramatically since it first started being recorded 40 years ago. Are there concerns with using Natural Gas this much? What are the benefits to using it? How sustainable is the use of Natural Gas? Learn much more about this subject at our Fourth Annual CleanTech OC Conference!

CleanTech OC Weekly

Monday, August 19, 2013

Members, Sign up for our Fourth Annual Conference NOW
Be sure to sign up for our Fourth Annual CleanTech OC Conference now in order to take advantage of our complimentary tickets that expire on August 30!

CleanTech OC Weekly

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Fourth Annual CTOC Conference!! 
Don't wait any longer! RSVP NOW for your Early Bird Special Tickets! The Early Bird Special ends on August 26th So RSVP now!

Want to be an Exhibitor at the CTOC Conference in September?
If you or your company are interested in being an exhibitor at our Fourth Annual CleanTech OC Conference on September 16th, Please click the link above to E-mail Scott directly!

Surf Company Goes Green in the Deep Blue Sea
Volcom is helping to sponsor an "Ocean Friendly" event called A Deep Blue Surfing Event that shows a clear path for reducing environmental impact as a pro surfer and tying in the local community. They plan to incorporate local contests in different areas of environmental sustainability and waste management. As well as teach the community signs that the ocean teaches us about different environmental factors.

CleanTech OC Weekly

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

RSVP NOW for our Fourth Annual Conference
CleanTech OC's Fourth Annual Conference is coming up on September 16th and we want you all to be there. Please register here and do it soon as early bird registration ends in 10 days! If you are interested in sponsoring, please note the link on the registration. Next week, we will have a lot more information on speakers, so please stay tuned!

CleanTechOC Weekly

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fire Pits in Southern California - Verdict?
Fire pits in Southern California have been a long standing tradition for 60 years, and the Board of Air Quality in California wanted to take them out. With a ruling of 7 to 6, Southern California will likely remove 100 of their 765 fire pits, AND be forced to move the fire pits up to 700 feet away from homes -- that could mean that ALL of the fire pits in Newport Beach, will be gone.

RSVP NOW for CleanTech OC's Annual Conference

Phoenix Energy Technologies Named at the Top
Enterprise Energy Management Software and Enterprise Energy Management Services announced that Phoenix Energy Technologies was named one of the top 10 "2013 Enterprise Smart Grid Leaders". Phoenix is named one of the top 10 leaders in Energy Management Software for the second year in a row and continues to help companies see the value in energy savings.

CleanTech OC Weekly

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Los Angeles Smog Pollution on the Decline
Studies show that over the past few decades, air pollution has been on the decline in Los Angeles. New policies that have recently been put into effect have helped the pollution decline and improve over the years. The Pollution in LA's atmosphere is caused by CO2 emissions that come from vehicles and factories.

Closing San Onofre
After 40 years of serving Southern California, San Onofre Nuclear Plant will be shutting down. The California Public Utilities Commission said it would work with the State to make sure that homes have power for the remainder of the summer or until the state finds a new energy source to power over 1.4 million homes in the Southern California Area.

Energy Emissions on the Rise 
The International Energy Agency says the world's energy-related carbon dioxide emissions rose 1.4 percent in 2012 to a record high of 31.6 gigatons, even as the U.S. posted its lowest emissions since the mid-1990s

CleanTech OC Weekly

Monday, June 10, 2013

San Onofre Shut Down - What's Next??
San Onofre accounted for 9% of energy used in California. Because it is being shut down, energy is going to be tight in Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego Counties. Southern California shouldn't be expecting brown-outs or planned blackouts - as long as everyone responds to the energy conservation warnings. There are many energy producing buildings under construction now, and even more that will be under construction within the next year, so Southern California will not be under the energy conservation watch for long.

Residential Solar: Clouding Utilities' Future?
With so many people paying the money to switch from using regular utilities to going fully solar powered, many companies are unsure where their company stands in the future.

Nominate Your Local Heroes!
This year, CleanTech OC is a proud sponsor of Cox Conserves Heroes! Nominate your local heroes and volunteers that are helping to create, preserve and enhance our local outdoor community!

City of Santa Ana Installing LED's
Santa Ana will be installing more than 1000 LED lights which will save money and energy. The project is said to cost an estimated $700,000 and will use less than half of the energy that is currently being used to produce the same amount of light.

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