CleanTech OC Daily - 10/19/12

Friday, October 19, 2012

According to a new report from Deloitte, "Energy Independence and Security: A Reality Check," the United States presently has significant energy independence for most sectors. However, transportation is the only sector that remains dependent on imports. The report goes on to argue that the U.S. must lower demand through continued improvement in the fuel efficiency of our vehicles and policymakers should push for expanding the use of alternative transportation fuels such as methanol, ethanol and natural gas.

SolarCity scores first utility deal, and why that’s important
SolarCity, widely known in the residential solar market, is planning a $201 million IPO and has now moved in to building solar farms for utilities. A14 MW project for Hawaiian utility Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative was just announced as their first utility-scale project. While a departure from the residential market, the move to utility-scale is an important one because it will give the company experience working with new class of customers in a booming utility solar market.

Electric Car Company Coda Automotive Offering 10,000 Miles Free Fuel to October Buyers
CODA Automotive, an electric car company, has just announced they will give Californian customers 10,000 miles of free fuel when you purchase a new 2012 CODA in October. Driving a CODA for 10,000 miles only costs you about $552 in electricity, compared to the $1500-$2000 you’d spend for gasoline or diesel. CODA sees this deal as an opportunity to demonstrate the low operating costs of electric vehicle ownership. With gas prices as high as they currently are, the deal provides a clear contrast between the very low ‘fuel’ costs of EVs and the high cost of gas-powered vehicles.

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