CleanTech OC Daily - 8/10/12Friday, August 10, 2012
GigaOM offers some options to solar companies on how to
survive and break out a difficult market: find big partners, outsource
manufacturing, look to services, IT it, and go downstream. The article offers
real-life examples of each option.
GoodGuide, a Silicon Valley startup that developed a ranking system for products based around environmental, humanitarian and health scores, has been acquired by Underwriters Laboratories, one of the oldest and most active product safety certification companies. An important announcement was made at the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada - U.S. wind energy has reached 50 GW of electric capacity in Q2 of 2012. According to the American Wind Energy Association, 2,800 MW of wind and 1,400 wind turbines have been installed across the US this year which has helped the wind industry reach this new benchmark. |