CleanTech OC Daily - 7/24/12

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Smart grid VC funding has been “extremely weak”
Over the last three quarters, investments by venture capitalists into smart grid companies (firms that are adding digital intelligence to the power grid) has remained weak according to research firm the Mercom Capital Group. The peak of smart grid investments by VC’s was in 2010 but has continued to decline.  

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign staffers have indicated that he wants to put an end to the wind production tax credit that allow the wind industry to compete with fossil fuels. Without Congressional action, the incentive will expire at the end of 2012 and could potentially result in the loss of tens of thousands of manufacturing and construction jobs.

Lockheed Martin and Seattle-based company LaserMotive are working to “refuel” an electric aircraft in flight using laser beams that charge batteries wirelessly. Recent testing met and exceeded expectations, these results could lead to a possible new generation of electric air crafts.

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