CleanTech OC Daily - 7/3/12

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

At the Celebration of Business Gala hosted by San Diego North Chamber of Commerce Friday evening, Sullivan Solar Power was honored as the Small Business of the Year. The company, headquartered in San Diego, grew out of a garage to a corporation with annual revenues over $22 million. Sullivan Solar Power has designed and installed more solar projects than any other firm in the San Diego Gas & Electric utility territory.

A plan to build a 100-mile undersea cable linking Hawaiian island power grids would reduce the state’s heavy dependence on imported oil and cut electric bills for consumers. If the plan works, the grid will draw more power from renewable sources and provide a boost for planned offshore wind farms along the east coast.

According to Vote Solar, a solar lobbying group, utilities in Sacramento are working against the CPUC solar victory by using the legislature. If the CPUC unanimous pro-solar decision is undone only half as many California homes, businesses, schools and public agencies would receive credit on their power bills when they go solar. The amended bill, AB 2514, introduced by Assemblyman Steven Bradford, is set for its first Committee hearing today.

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