CleanTech OC Daily - 4/23/12

Monday, April 23, 2012

Normalize Renewable Energy Credits Now (via Sean Kelly of Hein & Associates, CTOC member) Sean Kelly and Greg Pfahl of Hein & Associates report on several renewable energy incentives are being debated by Congress. Long-term energy policy is needed at the federal level in order to allow the domestic renewable energy industry to grow and ultimately prosper.

Microsoft is designing a data center powered by biogas, the gas given off from landfills and other sources, in order to bring more reliability and lower pollution. Fuel cells would supply power to the data center and make it independent from the grid. Microsoft is now researching a small-scale experiment to measure the performance and benefits and is seeking a location to test a prototype.

The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has proposed a decision that will likely boost renewable energy use by homeowners, businesses, and commercial uses and lower energy costs for both solar and non-solar energy ratepayers. The proposal explains the methodology to fairly calculate the cap on net energy metering, a billing arrangement that allows utility customers to offset energy use with their own renewable energy systems.

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